America's first known set of all-girl quintuplets came into the world on April 8. Talk about joy -- times five!
Danielle Busby delivered all five girls within just four minutes via C-section at The Woman's Hospital of Texas. She and her husband, Adam, already had a 3-year-old daughter named Blayke. ABC News writes that the newborns are the first all-female quints "in the world since 1969 ... according to a statement from the Woman's Hospital of Texas." Blayke got to come meet them, which was so cute. She had her big sister shirt on," Danielle explained in a video on the family's blog.
The quintuplets, who were born at 28 weeks, all need only "modest" breathing support, according to the hospital. Having quintuplets is quite rare.
In 2014, a set of quintuplets the media affectionately called "The Fab Five"were born in a Dallas-area hospital. That set isn't as rare as the Busby quints, though, since they had four girls and one boy. As of Wednesday, the Busby quintuplets were still being cared for at The woman's hospital of Texas
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